I went vegan and stopped consuming dairy initially for health reasons. I found out that milk undergoes various processes for it to be sterile to drink, and that it also contains traces of antibiotics, hormones and somatic cells (pus) that all come from the cows.
I didn't feel comfortable putting those things into my body. I then watched Earthlings which upset me deeply and felt more dedicated to veganism because of the cruelty that farm animals have to endure. And the fact that calves get taken away from their mothers only an hour after they've been born, for the milk to be used for human consumption when humans do not need to drink it.
Humans are the only mammals that continue drinking milk after infancy and not even breast milk that is designed for humans. It just doesn't make sense, so I definitely won't be going back to drinking milk! #dairyisscary
Please note: Do not use this personal story in place of proper medical advice - always consult a healthcare professional.
World Plant Milk Day is calling on people to sign our 7-day dairy-free challenge. Already ditched dairy? Nominate your friends and family to take part! Find out more here